It is officially February and Valentine’s Day is around the corner. It is a time to celebrate love and affection. Understanding each other’s love languages can elevate the essence of this day, making it more meaningful and personalized. Inspired by Gary Chapman’s concept of the five love languages, here are some thoughtful gift ideas tailored…
Author: thepsychpod
Spotify Wrapped: Melomaniac
I listen to music and sound everyday. I have a running soundtrack for everything, I just love music. In fact, according to a reliable sources (i.e. Spotify) I was in the top 4% of Spotify listeners in the United States. The Top 4% Crew. Feels special. Check out the playlist below.
Children’s Mental Health Resources
Help children develop positive thinking with this coloring book activity that contains 33 positive affirmations.
Introspection and Self-Reflection
If you are feeling stuck, confused, unsure, or scared about the future or about what direction you want your life to head in then it may be time for some introspection and self-reflection. We have a lot of conversations in our lives, but the most important ones are the ones that we have with ourselves….
How to protect your mental health if you get COVID
Healing with Music: Calming Meditation Playlist
Music and sound can be a valuable resource in the healing journey. Music is part of my everyday life and I incorporate it into my daily routine to help me manage the stressors of life that we all go through. The past year and a half has been difficult for all of us. We have…
Music For the Soul
Music has always been a big part of my life. It’s been one of the things that I could always turn to, when I needed to tune out the sound of the world, put things on pause and just experience some awesome music! The music that we gravitate to does something for us, it lightens…
Cleanse Your Mind Body and Soul
When’s the last time you cleansed your mind, body, and soul? When was the last time you reset? Took time off for yourself to go outdoors. To go to the beach, the forest, or the mountains. When is the last time you read your favorite book, listened to some music, enjoyed a movie, went on…
Healing is a process
Special Guest Spotlight: Andrés Antúnez
Andrés Antúnez is an educator from Salinas Valley California who recently wrote, illustrated, and independently published his first children’s book ‘Someday for Lucas,’ and its Spanish version ‘Algun Día para Lucas.’ In the book, Andrés tells the story of Lucas a young boy whose mother was suddenly taken from him on his birthday. We sat down with…